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When using the inquiry form, please be sure to read the "Privacy Policy" below.
Please note that depending on the content of your inquiry, the response may be delayed.
Privacy Policy
This site recognizes that personal information is an important asset and considers protecting personal information as a social responsibility when using it for business purposes. The company will comply with laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information of the customers and employees, and establish Privacy Policy as follows.
【1】 Purpose of Privacy Policy
To protect personal information accurately and provide continuous secutiry to the customers and employees.
【2】 Privacy Policy
(1) Acquisition of Personal Information
When acquiring personal information, the company will clarify the purpose of acquiring the personal information, and use legal and fair means within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose.
(2) Use of Personal Information
The personal information will be used appropriately within the scope or the acquisition purposes. The relevant personal information will not be disclosed to third parties without the consent of the individual, unless permitted by law.
(3) Compliance with Laws and Regulations
In order to protect personal information accurately, the company will comply with laws and regulations related to Personal Information Protection Law and the guidelines.
(4) Management System for Protecting Personal Information
Regarding the handling of personal information, the company will establish a management system for protecting personal information according to each business situation.
(5) Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and etc.
If the customer requests disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of their personal information, the company will respond to the following contact information.
【3】 Use of Google Analytics
In order to provide better service and improve usability, this site uses Google Analytics to collect and analyze the usage of this site. During this, Google may collect information such as user's IP address through "Cookies", but the information collected by "Cookies" cannot be used to identify individuals.
The data collected is governed by Google's Privacy Policy.
By using this site, the user is deemed to have given his or her consent to the data processing performed by Google and this site using the methods and for the purposes stated above.
Google's Privacy Policy
【4】 Operating Company and Contact Information